|font:Courier New||B:O|Just past the commercial services lies the World Wide Web. The Web isn't really a place of its own, distinct from the rest of the Internet--it's simply a more modern way of graphically organizing and representing a portion of the Net. Think of it as a template that overlays some parts of the Internet and makes it easier to reach and to view information graphically.|CR||CR||CR||CR||CR||B:1|1/4^|font:Courier New||B:O|Aside from its colorful presentation, the World Wide Web’s main attraction is its selection of home pages. Some of these are nothing but empty research calories, but others are the ultimate repositories of knowledge on a subject, the culmination of someone's fascination with frogs, rubber stamps, or Balinese gamelan music. Home pages are not only useful for their contents but also for their links to other pages.|CR||CR||CR||B:1|2/4^|font:Courier New||B:O|AOL provides its own built-in Web browser that automatically decodes the information at a Web site so you can view it complete with graphics and sound. If you aren’t signed up with one of the big commercial services that offers Web access, you’ll need a separate Internet connection and a Web browser. (For instructions on setup and products, see "The Internet Made Easy," Computer Life, March 1995.) |CR||CR||CR||CR||B:1|3/4^|font:Courier New||B:0|There's an overabundance of tools for searching the Web. As soon as you fire up your Web browser, you'll usually get a list of search options or a search or net directory button, which takes you to search tools such as Lycos, WebCrawler, GNN, and Yahoo. One promising commercial search engine is called InfoSeek. It returns good results blazingly fast, but you’ll pay a fee. Be aware that Web sites are notoriously changeable: An address that works fine today may be gone tomorrow and then back the day after.|CR||B:1|4/4|CR||CR||CR||CR|